This day, the Fates decreed,
You shall be surrounded by friends and family;
They are the ones that know real you,
The good, the bad and ugly truth!
So if you ever wonder who has your back,
Just look at your loved ones there.
And I wish I could tell you that life gets easy at certain point,
But you have lived long enough to know the truth;
Grief, disappointment, anger, hurt, and pain;
You’ll face them all in years to come;
But don't let them dampen you or shrink you down.
For look at you;
You love and you are loved.
The path to greatness commences with a dream.
Despite some dreams being difficult to achieve.
Where others failed, you have not.
You worked hard.
You found the strength to get this far.
Still, the journey of a thousand miles is yet to come.
May each step you take be like a bottle of good wine,
Tasty, sharp, and clear;
And improve with every passing year.